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  1. Raimondo Maria Pavarin

Un risultato per Raimondo Maria Pavarin

Il rischio di decesso in una coorte di soggetti segnalati dalle forze dell’ordine per consumo di Cannabis. Risultati di uno studio longitudinale.

Mortality risk in a cohort of subjects reported by authorities for cannabis possession for personal use. Results of a longitudinal study
raimondo maria pavarin, Domenico Berardi
Introduction Cannabis is themost widely used illicit substance in the world, and an estimated 159 million people used it over the course of the last year.1 In Europe one adult in five has tried it at least once, with a prevalence of recent use that ranges from 1% to 11.2% in various countries.2 Consumption is greater in urban than in rural areas, is higher in subjects under 35 years of age and inmales, starts at around 15 years of age and increases until 23 years of age and then decreases, is mo…